Research and teaching activities on Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR)


From Spring 2018 to Spring 2019, I was a member of the Technology to Enhance Learning (TELL) Lab, founded and directed by Dr. Xinhao Xu. Among the major research areas of the TELL Lab is designing and developing XR-based learning environments. During my time working at the TELL Lab, I contributed to the design and development of two VR-based courses (IS_LT 4888/7888 Introduction to VR-enabled Instructional Design and IS_LT 4361/7361 Introduction to Digital Media), wrote grant proposals, and designed and conducted research on the integration of VR into online learning environments. 

COURSE: IS_LT 4361/7361 Introduction to Digital Media


The tasks assigned to me and other TELL Lab tem members were to:


I worked with other TELL Lab team members under the supervision of Dr. Xinhao Xu to design and develop learning activities for modules 6 to 8 of the course. These modules focused on introducing opportunities for learning and teaching with Virtual Reality for students, most of whom were already teachers or planned to become teachers after graduation. I moderated students' discussion boards for these modules. I also led a grant proposal which was successfully funded to explore students' perceptions toward the integration of VR into online learning, Besides, I contributed to the design and development of pre and post-surveys to understand students' learning with VR in this module and conducted research on students' learning in these modules. 


Funded award:


Conference presentations (selected):